Logic Colloquium 2024

ASL Code of Conduct

Welcoming Environment

It is the policy of the ASL that everyone participating in an ASL meeting or other ASL-sponsored activity will enjoy a welcoming, inclusive environment that is free from all forms of discrimination or harassment. The ASL is committed to the promotion of equal treatment for all members and other participants, regardless of race, color, gender, caste, religion, national origin, ethnicity, migrant or indigenous status, socioeconomic status, political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or any other quality unrelated to the ASL’s scholarly function. Harassment of any kind represents misconduct that undermines the integrity of the ASL. All ASL members and other participants in ASL Meetings are expected to do their part to look out for each other, and to act to ensure that everyone feels welcome. This policy is meant to cover everyone connected with the ASL meeting, including, e.g., staff, exhibitors, accompanying persons, and online participants, as well as on-site participants, invited speakers, and organizers.

See the ASL statements on inclusiveness and diversity, and on women in logic at https://aslonline.org/inclusiveness/.

Reporting Problem Behavior

All participants at ASL meetings are expected to try to prevent behavior that works against establishing a respectful and welcoming environment for all. However, incidents may occur that require action. At each meeting, there is a designated “trusted person,” who is charged with hearing complaints of discrimination or harassment, and helping to deal with them. The trusted person conveys the complaint to the local organizers and, if appropriate, the ASL officers. The trusted person follows up with the complainant(s) once the organizers (and ASL officers) have decided how to address the problem. The trusted person, and those to whom they report, will act with confidentiality, avoid re-victimization, and respect the principle of not taking actions that go beyond the wishes of the complainant(s).

If you are the target of some form of discrimination or harassment, or if you witness inappropriate behavior directed at someone else, please report to the trusted person, or, if you prefer, to the chair of the local organizing committee. Reports can be about individual incidents or about patterns of behavior, or organizational features that might be working against a welcoming environment. These may occur not only at the (physical) meeting site, but also at online sites, social events related to the meeting, etc.

Trusted Person

The trusted person for Logic Colloquium 2024 in Gothenburg is Prof. Simon Dobnik whom you can get in touch via simon.dobnik@gu.se or +46 31-786 69 17