Logic Colloquium 2024



Big lecture hall in Humanisten

Talks in this room:
 8:10 ! Live


 8:50 ! Live


     9:00 ! Live

    Models of arithmetic that satisfy more collection than induction

    Leszek Kołodziejczyk

     10:00 ! Live

    Model theory of tame classes of finite structures I

    Anuj Dawar

     11:00 ! Live

    Coffee 1

     11:30 ! Live

    Model theory of tame classes of finite structures II

    Anuj Dawar

     12:30 ! Live

    Lunch 1

     14:00 ! Live

    Logic in Philosophy

     16:00 ! Live

    Coffee 2

     17:00 ! Live

    Gödel Lecture: (Un)decidability in fields

    Thomas Scanlon

     18:00 ! Live


     9:00 ! Live

    When any three solutions are independent

    James Freitag

     10:00 ! Live

    Model theory of tame classes of finite structures III

    Anuj Dawar

     11:00 ! Live

    Coffee 3

     11:30 ! Live

    From Dependent Types to Natural Language Semantics

    Daisuke Bekki

     12:30 ! Live

    Lunch 2

     14:00 ! Live

    Computable Structures

     16:00 ! Live

    Coffee 4

     16:30 ! Live

    Contributed Talks 1

     9:00 ! Live

    Recent advances in higher-order automata and profinite lambda-calculus

    Paul-André Melliès

     10:00 ! Live

    WQOs and BQOs in logic I

    Alberto Marcone

     11:00 ! Live

    Coffee 5

     11:30 ! Live

    WQOs and BQOs in logic II

    Alberto Marcone

     12:30 ! Live

    Lunch 3

     14:00 ! Live

    Contributed Talks 6

     19:30 ! Live


     9:00 ! Live

    Proof systems and decision algorithms for intuitionistic K

    Marianna Girlando

     10:00 ! Live

    WQOs and BQOs in logic III

    Alberto Marcone

     11:00 ! Live

    Coffee 7

     11:30 ! Live

    An exploration of proof mining I

    Andrei Sipoș

     12:30 ! Live

    Lunch 4

     14:00 ! Live

    Proof theory

     16:00 ! Live

    Coffee 8

     16:30 ! Live

    Recent advances in the combinatorics of determinacy models

    Stephen Jackson

     17:30 ! Live

    Contributed Talks 11

     9:00 ! Live

    Structural highness notions

    Johanna Franklin

     10:00 ! Live

    An exploration of proof mining II

    Andrei Sipoș

     11:00 ! Live

    Coffee 9

     11:30 ! Live

    An exploration of proof mining III

    Andrei Sipoș

     12:30 ! Live

    Lunch 5

     14:00 ! Live

    Contributed Talks 16

     16:00 ! Live

    Coffee 10

     16:30 ! Live

    Contributed Talks 21