Logic Colloquium 2024


Alakh Dhruv Chopra

Ghent University

Talks at this conference:

  Wednesday, 14:00, J431

Strength of the hyperated finitary powerset operator

The finitary powerset operator \(\mathsf{P_f}\) maps a quasi-order \(X\) to the collection of its finite subsets ordered by a certain domination quasi-ordering (also called the Hoare embedding) while preserving the property of being a well-quasi-order. This is a widely used and studied operator in mathematics and computer science. This is extended to its transfinite hyperation \(\mathsf{P^\alpha_f}\) for every ordinal \(\alpha\), a form of iteration that satisfies the compositional property \(\mathsf{P^{\alpha+\beta}_f}(X) = \mathsf{P^\alpha_f}(\mathsf{P^\beta_f}(X))\). Hyperations of ordinal functions were introduced by Fernández-Duque and Joosten, and can extended to operators on quasi-orders using techniques developed by Provenzano.

If \(X\) is a well-quasi-order, then so is \(\mathsf{P^\alpha_f}(X)\) for every \(\alpha\). When \(X\) is a well-order, this assertion is trivially provable. It explodes in reverse-mathematical strength as soon as the width of \(X\) is at least 2; for example, the statement for \(\mathsf{P^\omega_f}\) already reaches \(\mathsf{ACA^+_0}\). Using techniques from the study of maximal order types of well-quasi-orders and of \(\mathsf{P_f}\) specifically, the order type of \(\mathsf{P^{\omega^\alpha}_f}\) is shown to have (fixpoint-free) Veblen-ian lower bounds when considering quasi-orders of the form \(\beta \oplus 1\) (aka, well-orders with one incomparable element).

This is part of an ongoing project with Fedor Pakhomov, Philipp Provenzano, and Giovanni Soldà to study better-quasi-orders and their reverse-mathematical strength, and can be considered a generalization of the \(\mathsf{H_f}\) operator previously studied by Anton Freund.


  1. David Fernández-Duque, Joost J. Joosten, Hyperations, Veblen progressions and transfinite iteration of ordinal functions, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, vol. 164, issues 7–8, pp. 785–801.
  2. Philipp Provenzano, The reverse mathematical strength of hyperations, Master’s Thesis, 2022, (Unpublished).
