Logic Colloquium 2024


Oriola Gjetaj

Ghent University

Talks at this conference:

  Friday, 14:50, J335

A Goodstein independence result for $ID_2$

Authors: David Fernandez-Duque, Oriola Gjetaj and Andreas Weiermann

The Goodstein principle is a natural number-theoretic theorem. The original process works by writing natural numbers into nested exponential k-base normal form, then successively raising the base to k + 1 and subtracting 1 from the result. Such sequences always reach zero, but this fact is unprovable in Peano arithmetic.

Drawing from previous results in the literature, we consider canonical representations with respect to the Fast-Growing Extended Grzegorczyk hierarchy \(\{F_{a}\}_{a<\psi_0(\varepsilon_{\Omega+1})}\). Normal forms are written as base-k representations and the component \(a\) is written as base-\(\psi_0(\cdot)\) collapsing function up to Bachmann-Howard ordinal. We use an ordinal assignment to show that this sequence terminates and yields an independence result from the theory of \(ID_2\). This is part of joint work with A. Weiermann and D. Fern'andez-Duque on exploring normal form notations for the Goodstein principle.


  1. T. Arai, S. Wainer, and A. Weiermann, Goodstein sequences based on a parametrized Ackermann-Péter function, The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 27 (2021), no. 2, pp. 168–186.
  2. W. Buchholz, E. A. Cichon, and A. Weiermann, A uniform approach to fundamental sequences and hierarchies, Mathematical Logic Quarterly, vol. 40 (1994), pp. 273–286.
  3. A. Weiermann,Investigations on slow versus fast growing: how to majorize slow growing functions nontrivially by fast growing ones,Arch. Math. Logic,vol. 34 (1995), no. 5, pp. 313–330.
  4. R.L. Goodstein, On the restricted ordinal theorem, J. Symbolic Logic,vol. 9, (1944), pp. 33–41.
  5. L. Kirby and J. Paris., On the restricted ordinal theorem, Bulletin of The London Mathematical Society, 14 ,(1982), no. 4, pp. 285–293.
