Logic Colloquium 2024

Contributed Talk

Inversion in non-monotonic PTS

Antonio Piccolomini d'Aragona

  Friday, 18:10, J335 ! Live

Prawitz’s proof-theoretic semantics evaluates validity of proofs \(\models^{\texttt{P}}\) over atomic bases \(\mathfrak{B}\) and detour reductions. In current approaches, proofs and reductions are left out, and consequence \(\models\) is defined outright; a variant \(\models^{\texttt{S}}\), due to Sandqvist, deals with disjunction in an elimination-like way. \(\models^{\texttt{P}}\), \(\models\) and \(\models^{\texttt{S}}\) can be given in a monotonic or non-monotonic format, according to whether extensions of \(\mathfrak{B}\) are brought in when defining, by closure, consequence under assumptions. Completeness results have been proved on non-monotonic and monotonic \(\models\), and monotonic \(\models^{\texttt{S}}\) [2]. In the monotonic framework, these results adapt to \(\models^{\texttt{P}}\) modulo conditions for equivalence and completeness on \(\models^{\texttt{P}}\) [1]. I show that similar results hold in the non-monotonic approach too, via the following:

1 also holds with classical meta-logic and a strict \(\models^{\texttt{P}}\) where closure is necessary but not sufficient for validity when \(\Gamma \neq \emptyset\). 3 also holds with \(\models\) and strict \(\models^{\texttt{P}}\).


  1. Antonio Piccolomini d’Aragona,Inversion and \(\mathfrak{B}\)-Completeness in Monotonic PTS,Forthcoming.
  2. Peter Schroeder-Heister,Proof-Theoretic Semantics,The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,(Edward N. Zalta, Uri Nodelman, editors).

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